Alternative Site Testing (AST)
Understanding Alternative Site Testing
Consult your health care professional before you begin using the palm or forearm for testing. Blood glucose
test results obtained from your palm or forearm may differ significantly from fingertip samples.
We strongly recommend that you:
Do AST ONLY in the following intervals:
In a pre-meal or fasting state (more than 2 hours since the last meal).
Two hours or more after taking insulin.
Two hours or more after exercise.
Do NOT use AST if:
You think your blood glucose is low.
You are unaware of hypoglycemia.
Your AST results do not match the way you feel.
You are testing for hyperglycemia.
Your routine glucose results are often fluctuating.
You are ill
You are during times of stress
What is AST?
Besides the fingertip, you can test your palm
or forearm.
What is the advantage of AST?
You have the option of testing other places on your
body besides the fingertip.
Fingertip test only:
If sick
If blood glucose is low
After exercising