Assembly instructions
BT / BM / BF Gearboxes
Doc. No. : 1002
Version 1 dated 18/10/2018
Page 5/11
73770 Denkendorf/Germany
+49 (0) 711 / 934 934-626
Handling and Transport
During handling and transport, suitable lifting equip-
ment must be used depending on the weight of the
gearbox. The permissible lifting capacities and other
specifications of the hoist manufacturer must be ob-
Suitable suspension points have to be gathered from
Figure 1. All BT, BM and BF series gearboxes are
equipped with metric threads in the housing at these
points. The thread sizes can be gathered from the re-
spective data sheets. If ring bolts are used, a suitable
spreader beam may have to be used.
Death or extremely serious injury / crippling caused by falling loads. During
transport, never stay under suspended loads.
The weights given in Table 3 apply to gearboxes with solid output shafts on both
Figure 1: Suspension points