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2 .Bluetooth connection
Under Standby mode,make your mobile phone with Bluetooth to search for
this unit's Bluetooth code(Car Kit).After getting the code,begin to connect
them.Defaulted connecting password:0000.
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1 . P r e s s
B l u e t o o t h
i n m a i n m e n u t o e n t e r B l u e t o o t h I n t e r f a c e , r e l e v a n t
o p e r a t i o n a s f o l l o w s :
Above functional buttons are only valid until the unit is connected with Bluetooth
mobile phone.
Picture I
Picture 2
Picture 3
Picture 4
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3 .Bluetooth Operation
After connecting mobile phone and this unit successfully,you can dial through
this unit. Operation as follows:
Dial the telephone number in Bluetooth interface(As Picture I).When input
wrong number,press backspace to cancel.Press Dial button after input.You
c a n l i s t e n b e t w e e n M o b i l e a n d U n i t b y p r e s s i n g
s w i t c h
b u t t o n . Af t e r
connecting mobile phone and this unit successfully,you can also search the
number among phone directory and dial it directly(As Picture 3).
You can see your recent calling record in this menu(As Picture 4).
.Calling record
1 Press
in main menu or on front panel,it will enter Navigation Operation
Interface (It's workable with SD map card ).
( ).
2 Under any working status,press NAVI button in front panel can enter Navigation
I n t e r f a c e d i r e c t l y .I t c a n s t i l l k e e p t h e p r e v i o u s A ud i o S i g n a l . W h e n t h e r e i s
N avigation warnin g tone,t he interfa ce can switch autom atically.Press NAVI
againto switch back to previous working status (Bluetooth function is an exception)
( ).
3 For more details,please refer to the Navigation Operation Manual.
Do not take out the map SD card under GPS working status,which can lead to
System fault,GPS invalid,etc.Re-start the function after ACC is closed for
a r o u n d 3 0 m i n u t e s . N o t e : M a p S D c a r d c a n t a k e n o u t o n l y a f t e r e x i t i n g t h e
Navigation Operation Interface.To make Navigation operation running smoothly,
please make sure the map is legal.We won't be responsible for the problem
caused by illegal map.
15815818888 Amy
to make a calling.
to show Keyboard buttons.
to browse Phone Directory.
Press to browse recent calling record.
for setting up.
for switching.
to redial.
to hang up.
to backspace.
to initialize Blutooth setup.
for Bluetooth connecting.
for Bluetooth disconnecting.
to download phone directory.
to stop downloading.
to delete phone directory.
to show dialed calling.
for received telephone.
for missed call.
to delete recent call record.