NA0702P01 REV A
The E/One PLC Quadplex Panel can be read by an external device to provide system operating parameters for system
monitoring and predictive maintenance.
USB Interface
All PLCs can be connected to a laptop or desktop computer in order to read all system variables and configuration data.
Using the free software, Somachine Basic v1.6 from Schneider Electric, the user can read in all data (even that which is
not visible via the Touch Screen Interface) and troubleshoot in more depth.
Trouble Shooting
The following chart is meant to address some common panel related issues. For more detailed information or pump
specific troubleshooting, please refer to the appropriate Service Manual or contact E/One service personnel.
Troubleshooting Chart
Possible Cause
Voltage being
measured by PLC is
too low
Low incoming voltage
This testing may need to be done by qualified personal
Check voltage at panel per manual
Blown fuse or circuit
Verify all fuses or breakers feeding the panel are on (closed)
Malfunctioning voltage
Verify that the voltage transducer is functioning properly
Excessive heat in panel
Verify outside air temperature is below 120 F to ensure proper analog
input operation
Voltage being
measured by PLC is
too high
High incoming voltage
This testing may need to be done by qualified personal
Check voltage at panel per manual
Malfunctioning voltage
Verify that the voltage transducer is functioning properly
Excessive heat in panel
Verify outside air temperature is below 120 F to ensure proper analog
input operation
Excessive pump
Discharge valve closed,
check valve malfunction,
line restriction, grinder
restriction, bad motor
Remove pump from discharge and retest with no discharge (pump
back into station)
If problem is still present then refer to Service Manual for more testing
Run Limit
Pump running longer
then set time
Tank size too large, stator
worn, high in-flow
Check amperage
Change Excessive Run Time Limit
No pump via
Pump will not run on
own but will run in
manual run
Pressure Transducer not
working, Tank ventilation
blocked trouble condition
Perform continuity test per Service Manual to determine if the
Transducer is faulty
Verify that the tank ventilation is clear
Panel will not
power up
Touch screen display
will not power up
Touch screen display not
plugged in or properly, no
power to the PLC, faulty
display, faulty PLC
Check to see that the display and PLC are plugged in properly, if this
still does not fix try another display
Check that wiring is correct per wiring schematic
Check between neutral and both sides of the alarm breaker for 120v
to determine if it is bad
Contactor in
panel will not
Pump will not run
No power to contactor coil,
contactor bad
Check voltage at A1 to A2 coil on contractor
Check continuity on contactor coil
Check for faulty contactor trouble condition
Contactor in
panel engages
but pump will
not run
Pump will not run
No power coming out of
contactor, loose wires,
pump not working
Check for power across L1 & L2 (L1 & N) to see if power is going into
the contactor, if no power then check incoming and breaker
Then check T1 & T2 to see if it is going through the contactor, if not
then replace the contactor
Check voltage at the terminal block to see if power is there
If all this is ok then refer to Service Manual for trouble shooting the