November 2011
Flashing Options:
Decktite - For all Steel Roof Profiles
Please circle the flashing option to be used. When considering an alternative method please consult
your local council.
Seismic Restraint
Concrete Floor
Installation scenarios for the Classic FS and Built In Models require the use of hold-down anchors (one
on each side)
Fixing to Concrete Floor:
Minimum M8 expansion anchors (M10 recommended) or min M8 epoxy- set anchors.
Approved Anchors: Expansion Anchors-Ramset Dynabolt and Trubolt, Hilti HAS.
Epoxy-set Anchors – Ramset Epcon, Ramset Chemset and Hilti HVU.
Installation of the Insert Model (non-combusitble cavity) requires the use of a seismic restraint chains to
be fitted one on each of the fire at the mid-point. The chain should have a breaking strength of at least
350kg or minimum 3.5mm nominal diameter. Chains should be anchored to the floor (not framing or
masonry), and should be as short as possible, only allowing access to unbolt the chains from the fire to
allow the fire to be pulled forward for servicing.
Timber Floor
Minimum 14g x 60mm screws (6.3mm diameter) or M10 X 90mm coach-screws. These shall be fixed
a minimum of 40mm into the centre-line of the existing floor joists. If screws cannot be installed directly
into an existing floor joist, solid blocking between joists (min size 90x45) shall be provided.