ENVIRCO Control Console
Operation Manual
Page 12
5.6.3. Adjusting Low Speed Set Back (LS)
This action requires access levels A1-A2
Use the Select dial to display the “LS” menu option
Rotate the Adjust dial to vary the set-back percentage (0-99%)
5.6.4. Selecting Pressure Switch (Pr)
The Pressure switch option should be enabled if Phase Controlled units have
a pressure switch installed
Rotate the Adjust dial to select:
A. “NC”: Normally closed (the switch opens if there is a pressure fault.)
B. “NO”: Normally open (the switch closes if there is a pressure fault.)
C. “__”: No pressure switch
5.6.5. Global Speed Set (All)
This is available only when operating at Access Level 1.
Rotate the Adjust dial to set the desired speed.
Press the Adjust dial to set every node to that speed
Access Levels
To restrict access to functions other than monitoring, the Control Console implements
access levels. Level A1 carries the greatest privileges.
Access Level
12 88
Operator can adjust configuration settings.
25 75
Operator can use all functions for monitoring and control.
49 51
Operator can monitor and adjust High/Low settings.
Operator can only monitor status of the network.
Table 1: Access Levels and Codes