Quick Start Manual
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record as little data as practicable to accurately capture the
look of your presentation.
It may not be necessary to record a Show at high frame
rates for accurate replay. Many widely used lighting
consoles generate DMX512 at 25 frames per second, which
is also the default recording rate for the DMXStreamer.
If the changes in a Show are slow or very rapid, recording
at lower frame rates may have no impact on the
presentation, while conserving memory in the
DMXStreamer. It is advisable to verify that your selected
frame rate does not cause any problems with the look of
the presentation.
If memory usage is a serious problem, it may prove useful
to measure the frame rate of the controller that will be
feeding it the DMX data. The majority of DMX test tools
can measure the frame rate of a DMX512 data stream.
Number of channels
The Channels box allows selection of the number of DMX
channels [1 - 512] to be recorded for each DMX frame. The
default is 64 channels.
To ensure that all necessary channel data is recorded by
the DMXStreamer, the number selected should not be less
than the highest DMX channel used in the connected
control system.
Recording channels beyond this range is not necessary, as
the DMXStreamer always outputs 512 channel frames.
The Playlist function enables scheduling the replay of
recorded Shows.
The DMXStreamer's Playlist holds 100 schedule entries. An
entry can be either an Event or a Season, although only
Events can be scheduled in the current release of Streamer
Each Event consists of the slot identifier of a Show and details
of when and how it is scheduled to be replayed.
A Season is a selected range of Events that only occur during
a specified part of the year.
The Timing selection box allocates a timing method to the
selected Event.
Looped Auto Play
The Show will start at a specified time, loop for the
programmed number of repetitions and then stop.
The Event's start time and the number of loop
repetitions must be entered.
Timed Auto Play
The Show starts at a specified time and loops continuously
until a specified finish time.
The Event's start time and end time must be entered.
Power ON
The Show will start when the DMXStreamer has completed its
power-up sequence, loop for the programmed number of
repetitions and then stop.
The number of loop repetitions must be entered.
Switch Closed
The Show will start when an electrical connection is made
between Pin 4 (Switch) and Pin 1 (Ground) of the DMX Input
connector, on the back panel of the DMXStreamer. It will loop
for the programmed number of repetitions and then stop.
A switch closure Show pre-empts any Event currently running.
The number of loop repetitions must be entered.
Remote Command
The Show will start on a command received through the
RS232 serial data link from such sources as a
DMXPlayBackRemote Mk2, or any custom-programmed
RS232 transmitting device. It will loop for the programmed
number of repetitions and then stop. (For more details see
RS232 Commands supported by the DMXStreamer.)
The number of loop repetitions must be entered.
Save Playlist to Disk
Selecting the Save to Disk button brings up a prompt for the
name and destination folder for the Playlist file. The default
location is the folder containing the Streamer Utilities
program, but it can be any valid folder, including a network
file server or a removable storage device, such as a flash