12V Operation
There are 2 methods to operate your base station from 12VDC.
External back-up battery
Using the optional RP5DCL lead, an external 12V lead acid back-up battery can be connected. The
base station will float charge the battery whilst powered from a mains source.The maximum
charge current the base will deliver is 3A.
Internal Lithium Ion battery option
A dealer fit 3.6AH lithium Ion rechargeable battery can be fitted.Whilst powered from the mains,
the base station will charge the internal battery.
Transmit Tail & Pip Tones
When used in talk through, the base station has an adjustable transmit tail length, dealer adjustable
between 3 - 46 seconds.The transmit tail will keep the base station on transmit for the pre-set
time after a radio user has ended their transmission.To indicate the transmit tail to all users on the
radio system the base will generate pip tones for the duration of the transmit tail. If you transmit
during the transmit tail, the pip tones will stop and your transmission will be heard.
Cooling Fan
The rear mounted cooling fan has 3 dealer configurable operating modes.
1 Fan operates continuous while base is switched on
2 Fan operates only when base is transmitting
3 Fan disabled.
Dual Receiver
Your base station is fitted with two receivers.Where country licensing dictates, the second receiver
will be used to monitor for transmissions on the base stations transmit channel. If a signal is
detected on this channel the base will be prevented from transmitting.The second receiver cannot
be used to monitor transmissions, it is used only to lock out the transmitter function.
Mains Failure / 12V Operation Warning
If an optional mains failure back-up battery is fitted or if base is only powered from 12V battery
then a low level pip tone will sound on all transmissions to alert users that the base station is not
mains powered. (This feature is dealer programmable and can be disabled).
Talk Through & Local Control
The base station has a front mounted talk through on/off button.When talk through is on, this will
allow users to communicate using the base as a relay.Turning talk through off will prevent users
talking to each other and will only allow communication to the base. Using an optional microphone
allows the base to be used as an additional radio.
Feature Operation