M215 Installation and Operation
2014 Enphase Energy Inc. All rights reserved.
141-00012 Rev 06
Step 2: Connect the Envoy
The Envoy operates between the Enphase Microinverters and the Enphase Enlighten® web-based
monitoring and analysis software. The Envoy collects energy and performance data from the
microinverters over on-site AC power lines. It then forwards that data to Enlighten, via the Internet, for
statistical reporting. The Envoy is capable of monitoring up to 600 Enphase Microinverters.
Connect the Envoy to power and Internet according to the Envoy Quick Install Guide.
Wait for the “+Web” indication on the Envoy’s LCD screen.
Leave the Envoy running while you install the microinverters so that any required Envoy
software upgrade completes.
When powered up and connected for the first time, the Envoy may
retrieve an automatic upgrade from Enphase. Because this upgrade may take up to 20
minutes, connect the Envoy first at the site (connect to both AC power and the broadband
router) so that it performs the upgrade well before the solar module installation is complete.
Do not remove power from the Envoy if the LCD displays:
“Upgrading. . . Do Not Unplug.”
broadband router