3. A playing video can move fast forward with the speed “x2” “x4” “x8” “x16” or play at
a normal speed by pressing the button “fast forward”
4. A playing video can move fast backward with the speed “x2” “x4” “x8” “x16” or play
at a normal speed by pressing the button “fast backward”
5. If it moves fast backward to the start of the video, it turns into the normal playing speed
6. When a video playing, pause the process by pressing the button “pause/play” and restart
the process by another press again
7. When a video playing, it can jump to the previous or the next video to play by pressing
the button “previous” or “next”
8. When a video playing, user can stop the process by pressing the button “stop” and it
goes back to the browser in movie mode
9. When it comes to the end of a video, it will stop/repeat/play the next one depending on
the value of Repeat mode.
The 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 upwards also adapt to the playback when it is recording.
Device & File System
1. The USB host supports version 2.0 and is compatible with version 1.1, but it can’t
support card reader and USB Hub, neither Timeshift and timer recorder on USB 1.1.
2. Support Timeshift on programs which have an equal or lower rate than 8Mbps and
support recorder on programs which have an equal or lower rate than 13Mbps (13Mbps
is a test result of SAM USB2.0 High-speed 320G)
3. Restrictions on USB device for Recorder:
a) For programs which have a lower rate than 8Mbps, the USB device must have a rate
higher than 14Mbps in CV512 speed test for Recorder and higher than 28Mbps in
CV512 speed test for Timeshift. Otherwise, there may be some pause or mosaic
when do Recorder or Timeshift by force
b) For programs which have a higher rate than 8Mbps, the USB device must have a
rate higher than 20Mbps in CV512 speed test for Recorder and Timeshift is not