CHANNEL 4 & Low Gain Low End
CHANNEL 4 & High Gain Low Midrange High Midrange
High Gain
(that's switch #2 on the
(that's switch #3
combined with switch #4 on the
The Sound function gives you so much creative leeway in voicing the amp that it merits
a closer look: In the preceding section, you learned that you can activate a certain
voicing such as
for Channel 1 in Low Gain mode or
for Channel 2 in Low
Gain mode. Note that 'Low Gain mode' simply means that
is not activated.
Your choice of voicing will of course depend on the selected mode, which in turn is
determined by the currently active channel and the given gain stage setting.
The Sound button's voicings are automatically adjusted to match the amp's operating
modes as determined by the given channel and gain stage. This is very beneficial to
your tone. Here's why: Each tonal flavor has certain frequency ranges that can be
tweaked to fine-tune that type of tone. As you can imagine, these frequency ranges
vary from sound to sound, say from a pristine clean tone to a heavily overdriven lead
sound. A voicing such as
would hardly enhance a distorted tone, so it's not much
use in shaping lead sounds. However, tweaking the low end and various midrange
frequencies can certainly change the flavor of crunchy rhythm sounds or singing lead
tones. But I don't want to bore you by trying to describe all the Sound voicings'
specifics. Besides, tone is very subjective, so here's my recommendation: Plug in your
guitar and try out all 16 variations by combining the channel's fundamental sound in
Low Gain and High Gain modes and switch the Sound function off and on. An audition
will tell you a lot more than words ever could.
Nonetheless, I do want to devote a few more words to an optional feature that
extends the tonal capabilities of the Sound function on the INVADER II amp. It caters
to demanding players who want to sculpt their sound with the surgical precision of a
scalpel rather than beat it into shape with a mallet. Closet hot-rodders and amp
modders will find plenty to love in this tool.
Seeking to give creative guitarists practically unlimited freedom to shape their tone, I
started tinkering with the idea of a sound-tuning tool for everyone. Eventually, we
came up with the Sound Wizard module. This optional add-on enables any guitarist to
fine-tune all the fundamental sounds of the INVADER II amp without having to take a
soldering iron to its circuitry. Best of all, these modifications can be done without any
knowledge of electronics. Restoring the INVADER II to its original voicing is as simple as
flipping a single switch. The unique Sound Wizard module is truly extraordinary
because it does what so many guitarists have been wanting to do for such a long time -
lets them
the sound of their amps to suit their taste.
A single connector plugs the Sound Wizard module into the amp's circuitry. The ENGL
Sound Wizard module provides 96 rockers on 16 DIP switches for fine-tuning your
sound. 16 LEDs next to the DIP switches tell you which configuration of rockers is
currently active for a given amp mode (Channel, Gain & Sound settings). A slide switch
enables and disables the Sound Wizard module. The module's status is indicated by a
separate LED on the module as well as by the SWM LED on the amp's front panel. You
can encode a total of 64 different settings on the Sound Wizard module for each amp
mode. The variations on Channel, Gain & Sound settings give you a total of 16 modes.
A tip from the designer:
The Sound Wizard module sits in the amp's rear panel, so all you have to do is replace
the panel. There's no need to remove the amplifier chassis.