2.7 Input mode
The input mode allows to input and edit programs. After selection of this mode, a
program number will be proposed. For selection of another program number, push
"C" and enter the desired program number.
If a program with this number already exists in memory, the last blocks of this
program will be displayed by pushing "
". By pushing "
", the first blocks of the
program will be displayed. Entering a block number and then "
" will display the
next block starting with the entered number.
If the entered program number doesn't exist, N001 will be proposed as first block
number. Acknowledgement will be made with "
". The cursor moves to "G..". After
entering a G-function and then "
", the words corresponding to the G-function are
When all necessary words of a block have been entered, the block can be stored by
pushing "INPUT". The block number is incremented automatically. An error message
will be displayed when trying to memorize an uncomplete block.
Alter block:
If a block already stored must be altered, it can be put into the input buffer by typing
the block number and then pushing "SEARCH BLOCK". With "
", the cursor can be
moved to the word to be corrected. Then the block must be stored again by pushing
Delete block:
The block to be deleted must be searched with "SEARCH BLOCK". Then push
Insert block
Type in the new block number to be inserted and then "
". Select the G-function and
complete the block. Push "INPUT" to store the block. It will be inserted automatically
and the following block numbers will be incremented.
Program overview:
After selecting the "INPUT MODE", an overview of all programs in memory will be
displayed by pushing key "C" and then "
". If a program is marked with "!", this
programm has a "CHECKSUM ERROR".
Program duplication:
If the request for program number is acknowledged with "C" and then "INPUT", the
MINIPOS will ask for the program number to be duplicated and for the new program
number. Also P0000 can be duplicated.
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