010.4150.0720 08.21
The HRC80 is a totally integrated heat recovery control
system esigned to work with the ENERVEX VHX-DR Heat
Recovery systems.
It monitors inlet and outlet water and flue temperatures and
limits the maximum water outlet temp to a desired level while
maximizing heat recovery and efficiency. This controller can
be used in conjunction with most ENERVEX draft controls.
The integrated bypass damper control features full
modulating capabilities providing tighter control and added
safety. Inlet and outlet flue temperatures are constantly
monitored and the bypass damper will dynamically respond
to water outlet temperature.
The HRC80 features a series of set points allowing maximum
flexibility. The bypass set point maintains a maximum
allowable water temperature. The bypass modulates open
or closed as the water temperature fluctuates around the
set point. The HRC80 can interlock pump and is capable
of controlling a modulating water valve to maintain desired
water temperature. A dry contact input communicates when
there is a need for boiler feed water or to maintain a hot
water tank or deaerator.
The Controller features a panel mounted, 132x64 pixel LCD
graphic display used to interface, monitor and control all
aspects of the application.