HandbuchEibPC_USA-30.odt, 2017-05-11, Version
332 of 349
Keywords - reference - alphanumeric order
getpeslider(ID, PageID)
The function addresses the peslider that refers to a page and returns its position (0 to 255). If there are multiple occurrences of id,
all elements of this id on the web page with page_id are addressed.
The function addresses the pslider that refers to a page and returns its position (0 to 255). If there are multiple occurrences of id, all
elements of this id on the web page with page_id are addressed.
The function addresses the slider and returns its position (0 to 255). If there are multiple occurrences of id, all elements of this id are
Sets the system time of the Enertex
EibPC anew
Sets the system time and the date of the Enertex
EibPC anew
header(Number) $www.link$
If number assumes the value 0, header is hidden. You can also access u08 variables of the section [EibPC].
The link (incl. path and leading http://) is optional.
The URL can access an extern resource. In this case the number must be set to 2.
The header is configurable, but then equal for each site.
Daily time switch:
ss: Seconds (0..59 )
mm: Minutes (0..59 )
hh: Hours (0..23)
The argument Var is compared with the variables LowerLimit and UpperLimit with a hysteresis function.
if ... then ... else ... endif
If – then – else
if ... then ... endif
If – then
Send a read telegramm before processing user programm
Line $Text$
The element inserts a divider between two lines.
link(ID)[Image][$Website$] $Text$
Link to external web site
log(Var1, Var2)
Var1 = Base
Var2 = Argument
max(Var1, Var2, ... VarN)
Return value: The maximum of the given variables which have all to be of the same data type.
mbutton(ID, Selection)
By operating the button of a multi button element and the given selection with index selection (e.g. mbutton or mshifter) with the id,
the function assumes a value not equal to zero for the duration of one processing pass, and zero in all other cases.
mbutton(ID)[$Text1$,$Text2$,... $Text254$][Image] $Label$
ID: Value between 0 and 59 as an index for programming and the access to this element. You can also access variables of the
section [EibPC].
Text1, Text2, .. Text254: label texts for mbutton. The second and following elements are optional.
Image: A value between 0 and 99. To arrange the application more clearly, constants have been predefined (page 291).
Label: A static labeling text (first line).