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4.3 If your IHD won’t turn on
If your IHD will not turn on in response to a button-press, its
battery may be dead. Try connecting the power adapter to the
DC power adapter jack and plug your IHD into a power outlet.
4.4 Your Running Total does not match your electricity bill
Your IHD is intended for feedback purposes and is not a billing
tool. Discrepancies may exist between you IHD running total and
your bill, even if you reset your running total at the beginning of
your billing cycle.
4.5 How to figure out the consumption rate of an individual
Your IHD displays the electricity used by your entire home.
Electricity consumed by individual outlets or appliances can only
be indirectly measured by comparing your home's consumption
rate with those appliances on and off.
4.6 Your current use value does not change when you turn
on/off a light
Some electrical loads are too small to register a change in your
meter's current electricity use value. For example, Compact
Florescent Light bulbs (CFLs) draw very little electricity and may
not cause a change on your IHD's Current Use screen.
4.7 Your service provider sent you a message, where did it go?
Your service provider sends messages with a pre-set expiration
time. Once a message has expired it can no longer be viewed.
Generally, messages will not be set to expire until they are no
longer relevant.