
Access the website www.energysistem.com (http://www.energysistem.com) from the web browser on your computer.
Enter the "Support" section and select the type of product "eReader".
Choose your Energy eReader model from the dropdown list that appears, and then download the latest version of OS
files available.
Make sure the operating system version you are downloading is specific to your eReader model and serial number,
since otherwise it could damage the device.
Unzip the file to your computer.
Open the text file included in the download and follow the instructions for installing the new operating system on your
Energy eReader.
II ccaann nnoott sshhuutt ddoowwnn oorr ssuussppeenndd mmyy eeRReeaaddeerr + // ""PPoowweerr"" bbuuttttoonn iiss nnoott wwoorrkkiinngg
You need to disable the "demo mode". This mode, which you can adjust during the Boot Wizard, is designed for the
ereader when it is shown at a shop displaying on screen explanations about how the eReader work. To avoid turning
off while exposed in this mode, the power button and the automatic standby mode is disabled.
To quit "demo mode" get to "Settings", "User defined", and turn "Off" the "Demo mode".
HHooww II ccaann ttuurrnn ooffff tthhee eeRReeaaddeerr eennttiirreellyy wwiitthhoouutt iimmaaggee oonn yyoouurr ssccrreeeenn??
The eReader will always have an image even with the device turned off. Do not worry because that image consumes
no energy of the eReader battery. Also, you can configure the displayed image when turned off.
II ccaann nnoott cchhaannggee tthhee ffoonntt ooff tthhee lleetttteerrss iinn aa PPDDFF ffiillee..
The PDF is displayed as it is created, with its fonts and styles, why can not change the font. This is the limitation you'll
find in this format, however, can zoom and move through the book as if it were another format.
II ccaann''tt ooppeenn aann eeBBooookk..
Verify that the e-book format is compatible with your eReader.
TThhee eeRReeaaddeerr hhaass bbeeeenn bblloocckkeedd aanndd uunnrreessppoonnssiivvee..
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07/05/15 13:12