ENERGY SISTEM Energy eReader Pro Скачать руководство пользователя страница 14


Access the website ( from the web browser on your computer.

Enter the "Support" section and select the type of product "eReader".

Choose your Energy eReader model from the dropdown list that appears, and then download the latest version of OS
files available.

Make sure the operating system version you are downloading is specific to your eReader model and serial number,
since otherwise it could damage the device.

Unzip the file to your computer.

Open the text file included in the download and follow the instructions for installing the new operating system on your
Energy eReader.


II  ccaann  nnoott  sshhuutt  ddoowwnn  oorr  ssuussppeenndd  mmyy  eeRReeaaddeerr  +  //  ""PPoowweerr""  bbuuttttoonn  iiss  nnoott  wwoorrkkiinngg

You need to disable the "demo mode". This mode, which you can adjust during the Boot Wizard, is designed for the
ereader when it is shown at a shop displaying on screen explanations about how the eReader work. To avoid turning
off while exposed in this mode, the power button and the automatic standby mode is disabled.

To quit "demo mode" get to "Settings", "User defined", and turn "Off" the "Demo mode".



HHooww  II  ccaann  ttuurrnn  ooffff  tthhee  eeRReeaaddeerr  eennttiirreellyy  wwiitthhoouutt  iimmaaggee  oonn  yyoouurr  ssccrreeeenn??

The eReader will always have an image even with the device turned off. Do not worry because that image consumes
no energy of the eReader battery. Also, you can configure the displayed image when turned off.

II  ccaann  nnoott  cchhaannggee  tthhee  ffoonntt  ooff  tthhee  lleetttteerrss  iinn  aa  PPDDFF  ffiillee..

The PDF is displayed as it is created, with its fonts and styles, why can not change the font. This is the limitation you'll
find in this format, however, can zoom and move through the book as if it were another format.

II  ccaann''tt  ooppeenn  aann  eeBBooookk..

Verify that the e-book format is compatible with your eReader.

TThhee  eeRReeaaddeerr  hhaass  bbeeeenn  bblloocckkeedd  aanndd  uunnrreessppoonnssiivvee..

14 sur 16

07/05/15 13:12

Содержание Energy eReader Pro

Страница 1: ...uying the new Energy eReader Pro We hope you enjoy it This new eReader owns a 6 HD E Ink touch screen and a screenlight function which allows you to read under all lighting conditions The navigation and free access to your emails is possible thanks to its integrated WiFi Ideal reading partner with its reading functions and its 8GB of internal memory We recommend you to read this manual to enjoy yo...

Страница 2: ...Make sure the micro SD SDHC card is unlocked before writing or deleting data in the SD card M Ma aiin nF Fe ea attu urre es s 6 eBook reader 16 levels greyscale high contrast and 758 1024 pixels 212 dpi Carta Eink improved panel with 50 more contrast and 20 better reflectance for pure white paper reading experience Touch screen with integrated and adjustable light to read under any lighting condit...

Страница 3: ...n if the device is turned off or running In order to keep the battery in good condition we recommend that you turn it off while charging and not leave it charging more than 8 hours https camo githubusercontent com 2906ca0d0bda3dd3573b0cc1ab054abf9c562a48 687474703a2f2f7374617469632e656e6572677973697374656d2e636f6d2f696d616765732f6d616e75616c732f34323039312f353439393631326534666230302e S Sw wiittc ...

Страница 4: ...656e6572677973697374656d2e636f6d2f696d616765732f6d616e75616c732f34323039312f353439393562663464623165662e https camo githubusercontent com a6e2397174144a28d1174b453a95f7ce81b3b660 687474703a2f2f7374617469632e656e6572677973697374656d2e636f6d2f696d616765732f6d616e75616c732f34323039312f353439393434643039373764342e On the lock or switch off mode the device shows a picture on the screen Standby mode htt...

Страница 5: ...397a3957324ba 687474703a2f2f7374617469632e656e6572677973697374656d2e636f6d2f696d616765732f6d616e75616c732f33393533302f353335353661656462643165312e6 Zoom Zoom in and out the screen image https camo githubusercontent com 123d08d94943648cf48946d49af9f88b12d17de1 687474703a2f2f7374617469632e656e6572677973697374656d2e636f6d2f696d616765732f6d616e75616c732f33393533302f353335353661666334383930302 2 2w wa ...

Страница 6: ...e9ca7c153595e8446fc4718568 687474703a2f2f7374617469632e656e6572677973697374656d2e636f6d2f696d616765732f6d616e75616c732f34323039312f353439393363313939626536 It allows you to go back to the previous page or exit the app In several menus you could find additional menu options icon https camo githubusercontent com 6d34dcd93c02daa59c3b840e52b87be54ec79c54 687474703a2f2f7374617469632e656e657267797369737...

Страница 7: ... githubusercontent com 047a8df1516928852d2baa7a1dbdce51a05d39af 687474703a2f2f7374617469632e656e6572677973697374656d2e636f6d2f696d616765732f6d616e75616c732f34323039312f353439393534373261663564392e Thus a research of Wi Fi networks will begin to connect your device selecting the Wi Fi you desire https camo githubusercontent com 91c728b53e232aaa1af9a11c9699e37ca90d6de7 687474703a2f2f7374617469632e65...

Страница 8: ...83866332 Advanced options menu https camo githubusercontent com 2816fa2757e348556b44bba6727f33d3c2f2c6b4 687474703a2f2f7374617469632e656e6572677973697374656d2e636f6d2f696d616765732f6d616e75616c732f34323039312f353439393436383035376137662e Advanced settings M Ma aiin na ap pp ps s IIn ntte errn ne ettb brro ow ws se err https camo githubusercontent com a3acfb20aa28c0f82dd69a39a35d3a3195ff8776 687474...

Страница 9: ...c2cf0be7 687474703a2f2f7374617469632e656e6572677973697374656d2e636f6d2f696d616765732f6d616e75616c732f34323039312f353439393633626236323637652e This application shows you all the books that you have stored in the internal memory or micro SD external memory card You can select the display mode that you prefer to visualize the ebooks pressing on the icon display modes https camo githubusercontent com ...

Страница 10: ...16765732f6d616e75616c732f34323039312f3534393936386135366361393 You can select the appropriate font type from a variety of sources given in your eReader Change line spacing https camo githubusercontent com c1356591bad036f90af572c1cba20eb7f40cfa02 687474703a2f2f7374617469632e656e6572677973697374656d2e636f6d2f696d616765732f6d616e75616c732f34323039312f3534393936383461343137313 It allows you to choose ...

Страница 11: ...en will appear Search words https camo githubusercontent com df5a54c2177d418795a3243078680d00d9d1f637 687474703a2f2f7374617469632e656e6572677973697374656d2e636f6d2f696d616765732f6d616e75616c732f34323039312f353439393638323134643639 Choose this function to see where the searched word is in the book and have a directly access to this page by a simple touch Light set icon https camo githubusercontent ...

Страница 12: ... N No otte ep pa ad d https camo githubusercontent com 21f5391a0a519f861ea59afb9fcccc833bb487ae 687474703a2f2f7374617469632e656e6572677973697374656d2e636f6d2f696d616765732f6d616e75616c732f34323039312f353439393634643230613236612e6 This application lets you record all sorts of comments or notes that can later be removed by a simple touch You can also add notes maintaining a long press on the text of...

Страница 13: ...1020234868ab 687474703a2f2f7374617469632e656e6572677973697374656d2e636f6d2f696d616765732f6d616e75616c732f34323039312f353439396234366261613739332e6 https camo githubusercontent com 19991b14a39f731f5a5b06cc3f42ce3a3f79bc8d 687474703a2f2f7374617469632e656e6572677973697374656d2e636f6d2f696d616765732f6d616e75616c732f34323039312f353439396234373163613864622e6 https camo githubusercontent com 51ad080cf35a...

Страница 14: ...wer button and the automatic standby mode is disabled To quit demo mode get to Settings User defined and turn Off the Demo mode https camo githubusercontent com afef35bd605b579877953f4e309b399fd3fa70d3 687474703a2f2f7374617469632e656e6572677973697374656d2e636f6d2f696d616765732f6d616e75616c732f34323039312f353462393433653734323634302e H Ho ow wIIc ca an nttu urrn no offfftth he ee eR Re ea ad de err...

Страница 15: ...sure limits This unit measures the amount of radio energy absorbed by the body when using a device The SAR limit adopted by Europe is 2 0 W kg averaged over 10 grams of tissue W Wa arrrra an ntty yc co on nd diittiio on ns s Energy Sistem Soyntec S A is liable for any lack of conformity which exists at the time the goods were purchased during a period of 36 months Batteries are excluded from the 3...

Страница 16: ... Pol Ind Finestrat C Calpe 1 03509 Finestrat Alicante Spain T Te ell 902 388 388 F Fa ax x 902 119 034 N NIIF F A53107488 We declare under our own exclusive responsibility that the product E En ne errg gy yS Siis stte em m E En ne errg gy ye eR Re ea ad de errP Prro o M Ma an nu uffa ac cttu urriin ng gC Co ou un nttrry y China Is in compliance with the essential norms and standards of the Directi...
