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2014 by Energy Sistem Soyntec S.A. All rights reserved.
DDeeccllaarraattiioonn ooff ccoonnffoorrmmiittyy
MMaannuuffaaccttuurreerr NNaammee:: Energy Sistem Soyntec S.A.
DDaattee:: 02/01/2015
AAddddrreessss:: Pol. Ind. Finestrat C/. Calpe, 1 - 03509 Finestrat Alicante (Spain).
TTeell:: 902 388 388
FFaaxx:: 902 119 034
NNIIFF:: A53107488
We declare under our own exclusive responsibility that the product:
EEnneerrggyy SSiisstteemm™™ -- EEnneerrggyy eeRReeaaddeerr +
MMaannuuffaaccttuurriinngg CCoouunnttrryy:: China
Is in compliance with the essential norms and standards of the Directive 2004/08/CE of the European Parliament and
of the Council of December 15th 2004.
16 sur 16
07/05/15 13:12