9 Trouble-shooting
Micropilot S FMR 533
Modification nameplate
When ordering parts that are listed in the product structure (see Page 8 ff.) , a check
must be made as to whether the instrument description on the nameplate is still valid,
e.g. for:
an antenna component,
an electronics module,
an RF module,
a VU 331 operating and display module,
a housing cover with window.
Housing T12
The complete order code must be specified when ordering the replacement housing so
that the correct nameplate can be delivered, e.g.
You must label the nameplate yourself.
It is not possible to convert a standard instrument into an Ex instrument by simply
exchanging parts.
When repairing certified instruments, the relevant regualtions must be followed.
For FM approved instruments, it is forbidden to make any changes to the instrument
that are not expressly authorised in the operating manual. Contravening this
prohibition can invalidate the approval for operation of the instrument.
If you need to send a Micropilot back to Hauser for repair, please send a
completed copy of the form printed on the last page.
An exact description of the application.
The chemical and physical characteristics of the product.
A short description of the error that occurred.
If necessary, give the error code.
Please carry out the measures described in Chapter 1.4 before sending a Micropilot
back for repair.
In case of disposal please seperate the different components according to their
material consistence.