Micropilot M FMR 231 with HART/4...20 mA
E Hauser
Display and acknowledging error messages
Type of error
Errors that occur during commissioning or measuring are displayed immediately on the
local display. If two or more system or process errors occur, the error with the highest
priority is the one shown on the display.
The measuring system distinguishes between two types of error:
A (Alarm):
Instrument goes into a defined state (e.g. MAX 22 mA)
Indicated by a constant symbol.
(For a description of the codes, see Page 62)
W (Warning):
Instrument continue measuring, error message is displayed.
Indicated by a flashing symbol.
(For a description of the codes, see Page 62)
E (Alarm / Warning):
Configurable (e.g. loss of echo, level within the safety distance)
Indicated by a constant/flashing symbol.
(For a description of the codes, see Page 62)
Error messages
Error messages appear as four lines of plain text on the display. In addition, a unique
error code is also output. A description of the error codes is given on Page 62.
The "
function group can display current errors as well as the last
errors that occurred.
If several current errors occur, use
to page through the error messages.
The last occurring error can be deleted in the "
function group
with the funktion"
clear last error