PlasmaQuant MS Series
Figures and Tables
Figure 4-2 - Standard Micro-mist Nebulizer (Part #: 418-88070-0) .......................... 23
Figure 4-3 - 8c. The Peltier cooled glass Scott spray chamber 10-5000-040-00 8d.
Figure 4-4 - 10a: Silicone tube (1/4 in I.D) with connector (Part #: 418-88082-0).
10b: Transfer tube with argon connection (Part #: 418-88068-0). ....... 25
Figure 4-6 - Sample Introduction PCB (Part #: 10-5-0220006800) ............................ 26
Figure 5-3 - The sheath and nebulizer gas mass flow controllers (white) along with the
nitrox mass flow controller (chrome) ........................................................ 37
Figure 5-4 - The gate valve and large isolation-valve solenoids mounted on the back
Figure 5-5 - iCRC gas box positioned on the right side of the electrical box ................. 38
Figure 5-7 - Assy loom iCRC gas box and Assy loom iCRC MFC ..................................... 40
Figure 5-9 - Connection of Sample Introduction PCB to System Control PCB ............... 41
Figure 5-12 - Removal of instrument covers to access gas control box - A .................. 47
Figure 5-16 - Positioning of RG1 and RG2 within gas control box ................................ 50
Figure 5-17 - Plasma/Auxiliary gas control manifold within gas control box .............. 51
Figure 5-18 - Connection of Rotameter to plasma gas port within RF enclosure ........ 52
Figure 5-20 - Connection of Rotameter to auxiliary gas from front opening within RF