Endace Measurement Systems.
EDM01.05-10r1 DAG 4.3S Card User Manual
Revision 6. 22 September 2005.
The Endace DAG range of products come with sophisticated time
synchronization capabilities, in order to provide high quality timestamps,
optionally synchronized to an external time standard.
The system that provides the DAG synchronization capability is known as
the DAG Universal Clock Kit (DUCK).
An independent clock in each DAG card runs from the PC clock. A
card’s clock is initialised using the PC clock, and then free-runs using a
crystal oscillator.
Without synchronization, each card's clock can vary relative to a PC
clock, or other DAG cards.
The DUCK is configured to avoid time variance between sets of DAG
cards or between DAG cards and coordinated universal time [UTC].
Accurate time reference can be obtained from an external clock by
connecting to the DAG card using the synchronization connector, or the
host PCs clock can be used in software.
The DAG card synchronization connector supports a Pulse-Per-Second
(PPS) input signal, using RS-422 signalling levels.
Common synchronization sources include GPS or CDMA (Cellular
telephone) time receivers.
Endace produces the TDS 2 Time Distribution Server modules and the
TDS 6 units that enable multiple DAG cards to be connected to a single
GPS or CDMA unit.
More information is on the Endace website,
Installation Manual.
In this chapter
This chapter covers the following sections of information.
Configuration Tool Usage
Time Synchronization Configurations
Synchronization Connector Pin-outs