Something else new in this example is the
Data minimum
value; it’s
shown as a negative number! You can enter positive or negative numbers
in the
Data minimum
Data maximum
fields. If you swap the min and
max values, you will create an inversion in the knob data. Pretty cool!
An INI file for the Korg N264/N364 would look like this:
[Korg N264/N364 Parameter:Sysex]
MessageFormat = 42 30 35 41 00 00 00 00
DataBytes = 2
DataNybblize = 0
MsbLocation = 7
LsbLocation = 6
ChecksumLocation = -1
ParameterBytes = 2
ParameterLsbFirst = 1
ParameterLocation = 4
ParameterNybblize = 0
DeviceIdLocation = 1
DeviceIdMask = 15
DeviceId = 0
00 =
Oscillator Mode, 0, 2
01 =
Oscillator Assign, 0, 1
02 =
Oscillator Hold, 0, 2, 2
03 =
Pitch Eg Start Level, -99, 99
We are going to show the raw detail of this example. The initial message
show in each of these three examples is a specific message for the
respective instrument. There are even more details about the format of
the message which have been implied in our INI file. The real structure
behind all the messages in example 3 is show here:
F0 42 3g 35 41 pl pm xl xm F7
3g = Device ID
pl = Parameter # LSB
pm = Parameter # MSB
xl = Data LSB
xm = Data MSB
As you can see, this message now looks very confusing. The byte “3g” is
where the Device ID is hidden (as represented by the “g”). In this
instrument, the byte is typically 30. If it is necessary to change the ID of
the message, the
KnobbyEd how to do it.
The “pl” and “ph” are the parameter “low” and parameter “high’
locations. Instruments often have two bytes to represent the parameter if
there are more than 128 parameters. (128 is all that will fit in one byte
here) With two bytes, an instrument can represent over 16000
parameters! The list that follows the INI header is quite long. We only
show the first four entries. The leftmost column in the list is the
parameter number. It is inserted by KnobbyEd into the “pl” and “ph”
The “xl” and “xh” are the data LSB and MSB respectively. You can see
that the MsbLocation points to the “xh” value, and the LsbLocation
points to the “xl” value. If you get these backwards, the target instrument
will act very strangely!
If something isn’t clear in this example, please read the preceding two
examples. There are terms defined in those examples and are not
repeated. (This is beneficial for those of you that read a manual from
front to back and don’t want to read the same things over and over!)
If you still have trouble understanding MIDI, SYSEX and INI files, there
are lots of resources available on the web. If you can’t find any, please
ask us!
You can get help at: [email protected]