Here we will try and answer the most common questions.
Q: KnobbyEd does not control the Knobby, what’s wrong?
A: Check the unit ID and make sure KnobbyEd is talking to the same ID
as you Knobby. The Knobby ships from the factory as ID=0, so if you
haven’t messed with it, it should work.
Q: I can’t remember what is programmed in my Knobby; how do I read
A: In the file menu, use the “Upload from Knobby” command. This will
read all the programming information from your Knobby.
Q: The MIDI LED stays on bright when I move a knob; I have to unplug
the MIDI cable to stop it. What’s wrong?
A: The port that Knobby is attached to has MIDI echo enabled. When
Knobby sends a message, the port is receiving it and sending it back to
Knobby, which sends it back to the port, etc. This is call MIDI feedback.
You have to disable MIDI echo for that port according to the instruction
that came with your interface. Another possibility is another application
has enabled MIDI echo. This is common with sequencers.
Q: A friend wants a program I created. How do I transfer it into their
A: you cannot directly transfer from Knobby to Knobby. You must use
the application KnobbyEd. In the file menu, use the “Upload from
Knobby” command. This will read all the programming information from
your Knobby. Plug in your friend’s Knobby and use the command:
“Download to Knobby.”
Q: Why does my synthesizer lock up when using the Knobby?
A: There may be too much data for some synthesizers to handle. Try
setting the delay parameter to some value other than zero. Start with 99
to see if that fixes the problem, and then start making the value smaller
but not so small the problem reoccurs.
Q: Can I share instrument definitions between a Mac and a PC?
A. Yes, the instrument definitions (INI files) are compatible.
Q. None of these questions is MY question. Now what?
A. Go to our website and see if you question has been answered there. If
not, email us at:
. You will get a prompt
reply, we promise!