Users’ Manual
ESM-12S Digital seepage monitoring system
2.1 General description
Model ESM-12S Seepage monitoring system typically consists of:
ESM-12S/1 low range digital pressure sensor
ESM-12S/2 perforated PVC pipe
ESM-12S/3 Mounting plate with moisture trap and junction box
ESDL-30 datalogger
ESM-10 Weir (ordered separately)
The smart digital sensor makes the system very easy to install and configure. The high precision system
allows long term reliable monitoring, with least maintenance cost.
2.2 Operating principle
In dams, for measuring seepage, the drain water is taken through collection channel(s) for discharge into
the downstream of dam. The collection channel/channels are terminated in a collection chamber where the
discharge is accurately measured with a weir (‘V’ notch or rectangular weir) and a water level/seepage
measurement device.
In order to measure discharge over the weir accurately, the head over the weir is measured with the water
level sensor. ESM-12S uses a low range high precision pressure sensor for measuring this water head. The
pressure sensor is installed inside the slotted PVC pipe fixed at the required location. The sensor position is
kept submerged in water, lower than the vertex of weir. Any change in water level results in change in water
head, which is measured by the pressure sensor.
To compensate the barometric variation automatically, the pressure sensor is vented to the atmosphere
with a vented signal cable. The vent tube is terminated in a desiccant unit with moisture trap, while the
signal cable is terminated in the junction box/datalogger mounted adjacent to moisture trap.
To avoid water level variations caused by waves, turbulence or vibration, the head is normally measured
in a stilling well-constructed upstream of the weir in the collection channel.
2.3 ESM-12S/1 Digital Seepage monitor sensor
Model ESM-12S/1 is a digital high precision low range level sensor with vented signal cable. The sensor
has inbuilt temperature sensor. The seepage sensor is installed enclosed in a perforated PVC pipe (ESM-
12S/2 desilting chamber).