Users’ Manual
ESM-12S Digital seepage monitoring system
SDI-12 inputs have a unique ID (0-9, a-z or A-Z). Thus, the ID of sensors having SDI-12 output have to be
set accordingly. Each of the 3 channels of the datalogger can have 61 sensors with ID 1-9 (ID 0 is used for
factory purposes, hence not available for use), a-z or A-Z. For a given channel each sensor should have a
different ID.
5.2 Wiring details for sensors with Modbus (RS-485) output
When specifically ordered for Modbus sensors, ESDL-30 datalogger is supplied with an interface card to
connect Modbus (RS-485) sensors. For ESM-12S seepage monitoring systems, Modbus option can be
used in case datalogger is mounted at a distance more than 200 m.
Sensors with Modbus (RS-485) output can be connected to the datalogger as shown in figure below. This
will utilize one of the three SDI-12 port of the datalogger, Remaining two SDI-12 ports can be used to
connect SDI-12 sensors, if required. Battery should be placed in the datalogger after the connections have
been successfully done.
Figure 5-2 Connection of SDI-12 three-core bus cable to ESDL-30 datalogger
Figure 5-3 Connection of Modbus (RS-485) four-core bus cable to ESDL-30 datalogger