Users’ Manual
EAN-26MH Horizontal inclinometer system
Remove the safety cap at the other end of the inclinometer probe.
Fix the inclinometer probe (side marked as ‘+’) to the inclinometer cable reel connector and other
end to the threaded adaptor of pulling cable connector (refer figure 9) to pull the probe through
the casing.
Plug the readout connector of the cable reel to the readout unit. Connect the mobile datalogger
with the cable reel.
Follow the inclinometer operation manual #WI 6002.103 section 7 & 8 for setting up the
inclinometer probe and the borehole configuration. Also refer to the test certificate and
configuration sheet for the parameters.
Below mentioned parameters are set:
Site code.
Borehole code.
RDG INT - reading Interval
After saving above set-up enter orientation of the probe. For example, in case orientation
entered is ‘A’, the faces that will be logged will be ‘A’ and ‘B’, the probe being a uni-axial
sensor the reading of axis B is irrelevant. Faces A, B, C, and D are here referred as A+,
B+, A-, and B-.
On confirming ‘Yes’ that information is correct, the datalogger will be ready to log the
For logging borehole data, refer to the section 7 & 8 of the Inclinometer operation
Insert the inclinometer probe in the access tube with spring loaded wheel pointing in direction
marked ‘A+’. Orient far end wheel of probe in direction ‘A+’ as marked on casing grooves and
insert it into access tube up to first mark on the cable. Pull probe along the entire length of
access tube with a help of pull cable reel from the other end. Keep unwinding the interconnecting
Let probe rest at the end of the far end of access casing for approximately 5 minutes to stabilize
temperatures within the probe and cable. Pull probe along the entire length of access tube with
the help of cable reel, taking readings at intervals of 0.5 m. Continue logging data unless
Done is displayed on screen. A walkie-talkie or mobile phone can be used for communication
at the other end of the horizontal borehole.
Pullout probe from casing and remove probe from the cable connecting inclinometer probe and
connect it to the other end of the probe.
Now insert the inclinometer probe again in the ABS Inclinometer casing and pull it to the other
end of the access tubing with the spring loaded wheel pointing in direction ‘A-’ i.e. the farthest
end of ‘+’ at the sprung wheel side. Pull the probe along the entire length of access tubing from
pull cable end to probe cable end, taking readings at intervals of 0.5 m. When all the faces are
logged, borehole completed will be displayed.
Upon probe reaching end of casing, take out the probe.
Remove the threaded adaptor from the probe and fix it on the protective cap (Refer to figure 11).