Troubleshooting C-5
Encad 1000i Reference Guide
Introduction Printer Options Menu Tree Technical Info Error Messages Troubleshooting
Remove the cutter from the left side of the carriage and check it for visible damage. Make sure cutter version 3
(or newer) is installed (see the figure below).
Check the shaft for visible damage (carriage moves back and forth on it during operation).
Clean the shaft with a lint-free cloth and isopropyl alcohol (let it dry completely before trying to operate the
Check the belt for visible damage such as fraying and pieces coming off it.
Check the trailing cable (cable that moves during printer operation) for visible damage.
Check whether the idler assembly (located at the left end of the belt) moves freely. Check whether it is cracked
or broken.
Cannot draw ink during initial siphon
Check that the ink bottle is securely installed.
Check whether foreign material has blocked the ink delivery lines. If necessary, flush the lines with distilled
water, then reprime.
Initial siphon cannot be established
Check that ink bottles are securely installed.
Check ink delivery system for leaks in the lines. If leaks cannot be stopped, call Technical Support.