Error Messages B-3
Encad 1000i Reference Guide
Error Messages
Error Messages
Introduction Printer Options Menu Tree Technical Info Error Messages Troubleshooting
Ink system
The printer monitors the amount of ink in the disposal bottle and displays a warning when the waste bottle needs
to be emptied. When the waste bottle is full or removed from the printer, service station functions will not be
permitted. Be sure to dispose of ink properly. Ink bottle error messages and corrective actions are listed in the
following table.
Error Message
Corrective Action
Invalid Ink Type!
Be sure all the ink bottles are the same ENCAD ink type. Your printer will not
work if you have a mixture of different ENCAD ink types. If you are using a
new type of ink that has been introduced since you purchased your printer, you
may need to upgrade the printer's firmware to accommodate the new ink type.
Check Encad's web site at
for instructions.
Invalid OEM ID!
Be sure the ink bottle OEM value matches your printer OEM value. Your printer
will not work with ink bottles designated otherwise. OEM type
information is available in the "About" menu display and also in Disp: Bottle
Info menu which is available in the Service menu. Replace the ink bottle if
necessary. Bottle status is updated any time a bottle is changed or replaced.
bottles can be removed and replaced during a print job but there is a timeout
feature. If you're running out of ink, you can get a new bottle and swap out the
old one without stopping the print job. If the timeout elapses before the bottle is
replaced, the print job will pause and wait for a valid new bottle install before it
can continue.
Ink Limit Reached!
Replace ink bottle. End of bottle life is indicated after 700ml of use.
Bottle Error - Code X
Be sure the bottle is installed correctly. Your printer will not work if the bottle is
missing or improperly installed. Replace the bottle if necessary. If bottle
replacement does not eliminate the error, contact your ENCAD service
representative for assistance.