• Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual •
Comfort where it counts
P/N 240007754, Rev. C [3/19/2010]
Product description
e EMI Series S1CG/S1HG and S2CG/
S2HG condensing units are air-cooled, verti-
cally-arranged side-discharge, high-effi
units designed specifi cally to meet or exceed
a 13 SEER rating.
e S1CG Models 09–36 and S1HG Models
09–24 condensing units will provide cooling
and heating for a single air handler, as identi-
fi ed on page 34 and page 35 .
e S2CG/S2HG 18,000 (99), 21,000 (92)
and 24,000 (22) Btuh capacity condensing
units will provide cooling and heating for two
air handlers, as identifi ed on page 36 .
The S1CG/S1HG and S2CG/S2HG are
quiet units that can be recommended for both
commercial and residential applications.
Installation of the S1CG/S1HG and
S2CG/S2HG condensing units is sim-
plifi ed by a 24v control interconnection
from the air handler.
Multiple units can be lined up in close
proximity to an exterior wall.
Service valves are recessed to reduce
All 9,000-12,000 Btuh units are equipped
with a Duratec Performance Package that
includes an oversized suction accumula-
tor with surge baffl
es and enhanced oil
management and a factory-installed solid
core fi lter drier.
A factory-installed crankcase heater is
standard on S1HG 09 &12 (thermostati-
cally controlled) and S2HG models, and
is available as optional equipment on
other models.
Verify unit before installing
Controls and components
(Factory-installed or supplied)
Compressor and fan motor contactor
Run capacitor
Low voltage terminal connections
H.P.S. (High pressure switch) with
manual external reset
Heat pump hard start
Cooling operation down to 32°F standard
on all units
Models 09–12 only:
Large capacity suction accumulator
Solid-core fi lter drier
Thermostatically-controlled crank-
case heater (heat pump only)
crankcase heater
This feature energizes the crankcase
heater only when needed, saving unnec-
essary power usage and increasing overall
system effi