torch is then applied to the low side while the low side shell and suction line contain pressure, the
pressurized refrigerant and oil mixture could ignite when it escapes and contacts the brazing flame.
To prevent this occurrence, it is important to check both the high and low sides with manifold
gauges before unbrazing. Instructions should be provided in appropriate product literature and
assembly (line repair) areas. If compressor removal is required, the compressor should be cut out
of system rather than unbrazed.
Dismantling & disposal
Removing oil and refrigerant:
Do not disperse in the environment.
Use the correct equipment and method of removal.
Dispose of oil and refrigerant according to national legislation and
Dispose of compressor according to national legislation and regulations.
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2. Emerson Climate Technologies GmbH and/or its affiliates (collectively "Emerson"), as
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