Product Data Document
July 19, 2007 - Page 3
Remote Automation Solutions
Website: www.EmersonProcess.com/Remote
Fixed I/O Subsystem
ControlWave LP Discrete Input Module
Number of Points: 16 Fixed
Input Voltage Range: 12V or 24V
Input Filtering: 1 millisecond or 30 milliseconds
Input Configuration: Contact Closure, internally
or externally sourced on a point by point basis.
Jumper Configurable
Input Current: 2.5 mA +/- 10%
‘1’ State Voltage: 90 % of input voltage range
‘0’ State Voltage: 10 % of input voltage range
Interrupt Generation: On change of state
transition on a point by point basis
Bus Access: Sixteen bit wide
Electrical isolation: 1500 VDC
Electrical isolation: 1500 VDC
Surge suppression: 500Vdc MOV to chassis 38
VDC MOV across input and to Field Common
Meets ANSI/IEEE C37.90-1978
Terminations: Pluggable, maximum wire size is
16 gauge
Status indication: 16 LED’s (one per point)
ControlWave LP Discrete Output Module
Number of Points: 8
Output Type: Open Drain
Max Operating Voltage: 38 VDC
Max. Operating Freq: 20 Hz
Sink Current: 100 mA Maximum
Electrical Isolation: 1500 VDC
Surge Suppression: 500Vdc MOV isolated
common to chassis 38 VDC MOV across input
signals and (-) input to chassis Meets ANSI/
IEEE C37.90-1978
Terminations: Pluggable, maximum wire size is
16 gauge
Bus Access: 16 Bits Wide
ControlWave LP Analog Input Module
Number of Points: 8
Input Configuration: Isolated Voltage Input: 1-5V
Isolated Current Input: 4-20 mA
Powered Current Loop: 4-20 mA
Accuracy: 0.1 % of span @ 25 deg. C 0.2 % of
span –20 deg.C to + 70 deg. C 0.3 % of span
–40 deg.C to + 70 deg. C
Isolated Voltage/Current: 38 VDC referenced to
isolated common
Powered Current Loop: 0 V referenced to
isolated common When a field supply common
is connectesd to the AI system the isolated
common is connected to the field supply
Input Filtering: 300 milliseconds to 99.75% of
signal input.
Channel Settling Time: 300 microseconds
Conversion Time: 200 microseconds
On Board References: 1V, 5V - optional
Surge Suppression: 500Vdc MOV isolated
common to chassis 38 VDC MOV across input
signals and (-) input to chassis Meets ANSI/
IEEE C37.90-1978
Terminations: Pluggable, maximum wire size is
16 gauge
Bus Access: 16 Bits Wide
ControlWave LP High Speed Counter Module
Number of points: 4
Input Voltage Range: 12V or 24V
Input Filtering: 10 KHz max.
Input Filtering: 20 microseconds
Input Configuration: Set/Reset inputs, contact
closure, externally sourced on point by point
basis with jumper configurtion.
Input Current: 2.5 mA +/- 10%