Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual
VCIOM-13254-EN Rev. 3
February 2021
Section 1: Introduction
Section 1: Introduction
This manual is offered as a guide to be used along with locally approved and safe practices
to install, operate, service and maintain the Bettis EHO Actuator. Carefully follow the
instructions in this manual and make sure you install the actuator correctly and according
to your requirements.
General Information
The Bettis EHO is a self-contained, quarter-turn, valve actuator that combines proven
technologies from Emerson’s Actuation Technologies. The actuator has been designed for
critical shutdown applications where reliability is crucial. The EHO utilizes a dependable
double-acting actuator for the Fail-safe stroke combined with an integral hydraulic power
pack and electronic control module.
The EHO accepts a wide range of single-phase, three-phase or DC power sources, also solar
panels are available for areas without electrical power. A hydraulic handpump can be used
to stroke the actuator during commissioning or in the event of an emergency power loss.
Electronic modules are contained within an explosion proof, IP68 enclosure and all
electronic components are isolated from the customer connection terminals.
The EHO provides a compact design with actuator and control components that have been
field proven for decades in critical service applications.
Product Attribute
Easy installation – Bettis™ EHO actuator is a totally self-contained system and
designed for compactness and adaptable to new or existing valves.
Bettis™ G-Series hydraulic double-acting or spring-return fail-safe actuator
Shafer™ hydraulic control technology
EIM™ electronics and communication technology
Multiple input power options with either AC or DC
Local lockable Remote/Local/Offline switch
Local open/close/stop switch
Partial stroke test
Fast speed of operation to Fail-safe position if required
Emergency shutdown – independent safety circuits and solenoid valve
Dual sealed Separate Terminal Chamber, allows installation wiring to be performed
or fuses to be replaced without exposing control components to hostile
environmental conditions.