is the 68HC11 8-bit A/D analog input port. Input voltages between 0 and 5volts can be applied to
the A/D. Grounds are provided for each analog input.
Pin Function Pin Function
1 AN0
2 ground
3 AN1
3 ground
4 AN2
5 ground
6 AN3
7 AN4
8 ground
9 AN5
10 ground
11 AN6
12 ground
13 AN7
14 ground
is PORT A on the 68HC11. This is an 8-bit digital input/output port. Reading the "M68HC11
Reference Manual", by Motorola will give information on how to utilize this port. In Interactive C, some
of these pins are pre-assigned. By editing the library routines, you can change the pre-assigned
Pin Function Pin Function
1 PA0
2 ground
3 PA1
4 ground
5 PA2
6 ground
7 PA3
8 ground
9 PA4
10 ground
11 PA5
13 PA6
14 ground
15 PA7
16 ground
is the expansion bus. It is setup so you can easily enhance the Finger Board with additional
circuits. You can have up to 32 memory mapped digital inputs and 32 digital outputs. Circuit diagrams
are available at our Web page on how to utilize this header. Data lines are brought out as well as
power and ground pins. Hexadecimal address map is shown. W is for write; R is for read.
CPU address lines A0 and A1 are available for memory mapped LCD's or other peripheral devices.
Pin Function Pin Function
1 4000W
2 D0
3 4000R
4 D1
5 5000W
6 D2
7 5000R
8 D3
9 6000W
10 D4
11 6000R
12 D5
13 7000W
14 D6
15 7000R
16 D7
17 A0 18 A1
19 VCC
20 ground