Interactive C (IC) is a simple to use C compiler for the 68HC11. The freeware version of IC can be
downloaded from MIT’s FTP site at
along with a manual that
can be printed out for reference. There is also more information on the “Handy Board” web page on
how to use IC.
To use the Finger Board you need to connect the serial port of your PC to the serial connector P1 of
the Finger Board Communications board. You should be able to run version 2.86 or the newest
commercial version of IC from Newton Labs, but you must load the “Rug Warrior” version of the
The MODB setting (JP18) should be un-jumpered. This sets the 68HC11 CPU in “Special Test Mode”
with a reset vector address location of $BFFE:BFFF. Interactive C will not run if JP18 is jumpered.
When using version 2.86. Make sure ic.exe is set. Example setup by executing “ic -config” is shown:
C:\IC>ic -config
Interactive C for 6811. Version 2.860 BETA (Nov 29 1994)
IC written by Randy Sargent and Anne Wright. Copyright 1994.
(uses board pcode by R. Sargent, F. Martin, and A. Wright)
This program is freeware and unsupported. It is provided as a service to
hobbyists and educators. Type 'about' for information about support
and obtaining newer versions of IC.
Backing up C:\IC\IC.EXE to C:\IC\IC.bak
Default editor: edit
Directory where libraries reside: /ic/libs/
Default library file (blank for none): /ic/libs/lib_rw11.lis
Default serial device name (in the form /dev/*): com1
Finished configuring
Note: lib_rw11.lis should be edited if you need to add additional library routines. The nicest thing
about 2.860 is all source code is made public and can be recompiled.
To put Finger Board in download mode. You need to hit the reset switch or just re-power Finger Board
while pressing the download push button S1 on the Communications board. Once you release the
download push button S1, the LED D1 will turn off, indicating that the board is in download mode. This
LED works the same as on the “Handy Board”. Note: If you are using a reset switch you must release
the reset switch first then release the download push button S1. Initially, the LED may not be on, once
initial communications is established it will function normally.