Flow Measurement System
Version 1.00
page 17 of 75
As discussed the flow meter needs power to operate, which can be provided:
With the power supply unit supplied with the flow meter (via power socket)
With another (different) external DC power supply
this power source can be either the power source of the 4-20 mA loop
or separate 24 V DC power supply
Please note:
When power is supplied via the power socket the on/off switch is used to power on the
flow meter otherwise the on/off switch does not have an effect
Ensure that there are no conflicting power sources/voltages applied to
Pin 1 and Pin 3 of either of the Power, Flow or RSS socket, as this they are internally
bridged between the sockets.
Below pin assignments and cable colors for round connectors for Power, Flow and RSS
sockets are shown (identical for all flow meter variants).
Figure 3: BioProTT
flow meter rear view with one analogue plug connected -example w/ Flow socket
Figure 4: BioProTT
view of power and analogue Flow and RSS socket
Pin No
Signal Power
Signal Flow/RSS
Wire color
(in supplied cabling)
24 V (24C_in)
24 V (24C_in)
Not assigned
Current Loop +
Ground in (GND_in)
Ground in (GND_in)