WOP-2ac-LR2. User manual
– channel data rate of receiving, Mbps;
– transmission bandwidth, MHz;
– receive bandwidth, MHz;
– Wi-Fi client connection uptime;
Total TX/RX, bytes
– the number of bytes sent/received on the connected device;
Total TX/RX, packets
– the number of packets sent/received on the connected device;
Data TX/RX, bytes
– the number of data bytes sent/received on the connected device;
Data TX/RX, packets
– the number of data packets sent/received on the connected device;
Fails, packets
– the number of packets sent with errors on the connected device;
TX Period Retry, packets
– the number of retries of transmission to the connected device in the last 10 s;
TX Retry Count, packets
– the number of retries of transmission to the connected device during the
entire connection;
Actual TX/RX Rate, Kbps
– the current traffic transmission rate at the moment.
4.5.2 The 'WDS' submenu
The 'WDS' submenu displays information about the status of connected via WDS WOP-2ac-LR2.
– number of the connected device in the list;
IP address
– IP address of the connected device;
– network name of the device;
MAC address
– MAC address of the connected device;
– WOP-2ac-LR2 interface of interaction with a connected device;
Link Capacity
– parameter that reflects the effectiveness of the use of a modulation access point on the
transmission. It is calculated based on the number of packets transmitted on each modulation to the
client, and the reduction factors. The maximum value is 100% (means that all packets are transmitted to
the client at maximum modulation for the maximum nss type supported by the client). The minimum
value is 2% (in the case when the packets are transmitted to the modulation nss1mcs0 for a client with
MIMO 3x3 support). The parameter value is calculated for the last 10 s;