IPTV Set-Top Boxes NV-720. User manual. Firmware version 1.1.0
Screen resolution
– screen resolution setting: 1080; 720; auto. When choosing «auto» the screen
resolution will be automatically adjusted based on the possible TV modes;
Screen position
you can change the screen size using the «Zoom in» and «Zoom out»,
Reaction to turning off TV
– the set-top box response to turning the TV off. Available options:
To do nothing
(by default)
– the set-top box will keep its state;
Go to
– the set-top box will switch to launcher;
Sleep –
the set-top box will switch to the sleeping mode.
Actions before sleep
– set-to box actions before going to sleep. Available options
To do nothing (by default
) –
after exiting the sleeping mode, the screen will display the last state of
the device that was before entering the sleeping mode.
Go to launcher
– after exiting the sleeping mode the screen will display the launcher.
Behavior with a short press on the POWER button
of the POWER button on the RC. Available options:
To do nothing
– set-top box will not react to the short press of the POWER button;
– the set-top box will switch to the sleeping mode;
Interpret as long press
– after you press it, a menu with a choice of actions appears on the screen.
Display density
The DPI value for NV-720. By default, dpi = 240. The available range is from 72 to 320. Subsection
Device settings
This function can be enabled in the «HDMI-CEC» section. The operation of this function depends on whether
the TV supports HDMI-CEC.
In the «Go to the launcher» and «Sleep» modes, the reaction occurs after 30 seconds from turning the
TV off.
It is not recommended to use this option when using AV cable instead of HDMI.