Page 14
Technical Manual Temperature-, Humidity-, Pressure-Controller TAR x260
Start-up example: Dual Channel Temperature Controller
Cooling ON at +10°C/ OFF at +9°C, Heating ON at +1°C/OFF at +2°C, the
offset Heating/Cooling remains always equal, Overtemperture Alarm at
+15°C, Undertemperature Alarm at 0°C, both after 30 minutes.
The alarm relay works active-low. At a certain time the setpoint must be
increased by 2K (night operation).
The controller works with the temperature sensor TF 201. The customer
must be prevented from adjusting the setpoint lower than 0°C.
Please always note safety instructions on page 2!
If the TAR is switched ON, the display shows the value of sensor input 1.
Enter code number "70" at parameter P43
P26= 1, Sensor Type TF 201 and display in °C
P14= 2, Operating mode with 1 control sensor (F1) only
Enter code number "88" at parameter P43
P03= 9.0 (cooling setpoint, relay K1)
P04= -7.0 (heating setpoint 7 K below P03, relay K2)
P05= 2 (heating setpoint is relative value, coupled to the cooling
P06= 2.0 (cooling setpoint will be increased by 2K while night
P07= 1 (relay K1 will be activated with rising temperature)
P08= 3 (relay K2 will be activated with falling temperature = Heating)
P09= 1 (alarm relay K4 will be de-activated with an alarm)
P10= 15 (the setpoint cannot adjusted higher than +15°)
P11= 0 (the setpoint cannot adjusted lower than 0°)
P12= 1 (hysteresis of cooling relay, 1K)
P13= 1 (hysteresis of heating relay, 1K)
P31= 30 (alarm delay 30 minutes)
P32= 5 (overtemperature alarm 5 K higher than cooling setpoint)
P33= 0 (underemperature alarm at 0°)
P34= 1 (digital input open = night shift)
P35= 0 (night shift works immediately)
Display Correction
The Actual Value Display P01 can be adjusted by P27, the Actual Value
Display P02 can be adjusted by P28.
Start-up example: TAR as Humidity Controller
De-humidifying ON at 80% r.H., Moisten ON at 60% r.H., hysteresis 2%,
both setpoints are absolute values, no alarm, no night shift.
The controller must work with the humidity transmitter FF 2520.
No setpoint limitation for the customer.
The customer want to read the humidity value on a remote display with 0-
Please always note safety instructions on page 2!
If the TAR is switched ON, the display shows the value of sensor input 1.
Enter code number "70" at parameter P43
P26=5, Transmitters with 4-20 mA signal
P14=2, Operating mode with 1 control sensor only
Enter code number "88" at parameter P43
P03=78.0 (de-humidify setpoint, relay K1)
P04=62.0 (moisten setpoint , relay K2)
P05=1 (setpoints are absolute values)
P06=0 (no setpoint shift)
P07= 1 (relay K1 will be activated by rising humidity = de-hum.)
P08= 3 (relay K2 will be activated by falling humidity = hum.)
P10= 100
P11= 0
P12= 2 (hysteresis for de-humidifying relay, 2%)
P13= 2 (hysteresis for moistening relay, 2%)
P29= 100 (display value with 20 mA current input)
P30= 0 (display value with 4 mA current input)
P34= 0 (Digital input disabled)
P36= 100 (Analog output delivers 10V DC at 100% r.H.)
P37= 0 (Analog output delivers 0V at 0% r.H.)
P39= 1 (operating mode of analogue output)
Display Correction
The actual value display P01 can be adjusted by P27.
Installation hint:
If the measured values 'jump' check the following: Is the shielding of the sensor wire connected to PE near the controller unit? Is the PE
terminal of the controller unit connected to PE? If the sensor wire is shielded correctly but the value on the display continues 'jumping', please
try to solve the problem by removing the shield from PE and connecting it to a ground terminal of the TAR.
EG-Statement of Conformity
*The conformity with IEC 1000-4-3 is derived from the IEC 1000-4-2 and IEC 1000-4-4 test results. The correlation with IEC 1000-4-3 is based on test results which
are located on site at the manufacturer.
We state the following: When operated in accordance with the technical manual, the criteria have been met that are outlined in the guidelines
of the council for alignment of statutory orders of the member states on electro-magnetic consistency ( 89/336/EWG ). This declaration is valid
for those products covered by the technical manual which itself is part of the declaration. Following standards were consulted for the confirmity
testing with regard to electromagnetic consistency :
IEC 1000-4-1, IEC 1000-4-2, IEC 1000-4-3*, IEC 1000-4-4, IEC 1000-4-5, EN 55011 B, EN 50081, part 1 and 2;
EN 50082, part 1 and 2, EN 61010 part 1, EN 61010-1/A2 part 1/A1
This statement is made from the manufacturer / importer
ELREHA Elektronische Regelungen GmbH
Klaus Birkner, Developement and
68766 Hockenheim, Germany
and leader of the EMC-Laboratory
(Name / Anschrift /
name / adress)
This manual, which is part of the product, has been set up with care and our best knowledge, but mistakes are still possible.
Technical details can be changed without notice, especially the software. Please note that the described functions are only valid for units containing
the software with the version-number shown on page 1of this manual. Units with an other software number can work a little bit different. You will
find this number on the type label.
set up 23.2.05, tkd/jr
23.2.05, ek/al
23.2.05, mv/sha