User Manual ET1302L
Gesture Support
TouchPro PCAP technology enables several gestures that support single and multiple touches. Refer to the Microsoft website at to see the various gestures that are supported in the Windows 7 and Windows 10 operating systems.
A display’s native resolution is its width and height measured in pixels. Generally for optimal performance an image displayed on this monitor will look best
when your computer’s output resolution matches this monitor’s native resolution, which is 1920 x 1080.
For a computer output at non-
native resolutions, the monitor will scale the video to its panel’s native resolution. This involves stretching or compressing the
input image as needed in the X and Y
dimensions to fit the display’s native resolution. An unavoidable byproduct of the scaling algorithms is a loss of
fidelity when the computer’s output video image is scaled by the monitor to fit the display. This loss of fidelity is most apparent when viewing feature-rich
images at close distances (e.g., images containing small-font text).
Your touch monitor will likely not require video adjustments. However, for analog VGA video, variations in video graphic card outputs may require user
adjustments through the OSD to optimize the quality of the touch
monitor’s displayed image. These adjustments are stored by the touch monitor. Also, to
reduce the need for adjustments for different video mode timings, the monitor correctly scales and displays some of the video
industry’s most common
video timing modes. Refer to the technical specifications for this monitor at for a list of these Preset Video Modes.
On-Screen Display (OSD)
Five OSD buttons are located on the rear of the monitor. These can be used
to adjust various parameters. The buttons and their functionalities are:
Function when OSD is not displayed
Function when OSD is displayed
Display OSD Main menu
Return to previous OSD menu
Display OSD Audio submenu
Decrease value of selected parameter/select previous menu item
Display OSD Luminance submenu
Increase value of selected parameter/select next menu item
Display Video Priority submenu
Select parameter for adjustment/select submenu to enter
Power key
Power on/off display