A.P.O. - ELMOS v.o.s., Pražská 90, Nová Paka 509 01
tel. +420 493 504 261, fax: +420 493 504 257, e-mail: [email protected]
Software PAP is intended for setting of panel meter parameters and monitoring of measured values. Soft-
ware is avalaible on www.apoelmos.cz.
Software requirements:
Operating system MS windows 98/ME/2000/XP/WIN7
Minimal hardware requirements:
PC: Pentium II, 233 MHz, 128 MB RAM
Graphic card: VGA
CD drive, monitor, keyboard, mouse
Program is located on www.apoelmos.cz in section Sortiment - Přístroje - Ukazovací přístroje. In this se-
ction open details to Ukazovací přístroj AP 11-37 and click on Software icon to save program to your PC.
Open the folder and start installation with command „setup.exe“.
Software application
Software installation