Using the Sentry Commander AddIn
Sentry Commander AddIn for Microsoft Excel gives you ability to configure connection to your SENTRY
200 device
and perform measurement.
When you start Microsoft Excel application, you should see the message saying ‘
SentryCommander: Press F3 to
perform reading or <CTRL+F3> for configuration.
’ in your status bar.
If you don’t see this message, please install Sentry Tools (see ‘Installation of Assay Retrieval Tool Program’ on pg. 16
for detailed instructions).
Configuration Screen
When you press
key you will be presented with the configuration window for Sentry Commander
AddIn (Figure 19).
Several options are available on this screen:
200 from drop down menu.
Connection port:
The ‘Connection port’ drop down menu allows
you to select coresponding port where your
200 device is connected. If you
don’t see your device port in drop down
menu, check Bluetooth configuration of your
device (pg. 7) and perform pairing of your
200 device with personal computer
Data position:
The ‘Data position’ drop down menu alows
you to select the way in which data returned
from device is displayed. Available options are
Horizontal (data is displayed in next column)
and Vertical (data is displayed in next row).
Set Device Date
The ‘Set Device Date And Time’
button allows
And Time:
you to set time and date on your SENTRY
device from personal computer.
Test Device:
The ‘Test Device’ button alows you to perform
connection test to your SENTRY
200 device.
If everything is ok, you will hear two short
and one long beep. If error occoures it will be
displayed in Microsoft Excel status bar.
When you finish device configuration, press the ‘Exit’ button to close the Sentry Commander configuration screen.
PLEASE NOTE: All Sentry Tools applications use the same configuration parameters, which are recorded in Microsoft
Windows Registry database. Every parameter that you change in one application is going to be
changed for all applications.
Figure 19 ‘Sentry Commander
Configuration’ dialogue screen.