Open circuit
Should the current circuit be open (due to a cable breakage or electrodes not cor-
rectly placed) and the user increases the intensity more than 10 mA, the intensity
automatically shuts off to 0 mA.
It is therefore necessary before starting any treatments, to be sure that the cables
are connected to the device and the electrodes have a good contact with your skin.
Also check if the electrodes are too old and need replacement.
Stimulation intensity
The needed intensity value to obtain a special contraction, is completely subjecti-
ve. It can depend on a series of factors such as the position of electrode, the adi-
pose stratum, the perspiration etc. For these reasons the same current intensity
value can give different sensations from a person to another, from a day to ano-
ther or furthermore you could feel more contraction on the left limb rather than
on the right one.
During the same working session, it will be necessary to set the intensity as to
obtain the same contraction level. This is due to the so-called accomodation phe-
Moderate: the muscle is not tired; the contraction is tolerable and com
fortable. First level in the intensity graph.
Intermediate: the muscle visibly contracts but it does not cause any arti-
cular movement. Second level in the intensity graph
Elevated: the muscle sensibly contracts. The contraction would cause a
articular movement for this reason the limb must be blocked. Third level
in the intensity graph
Maximum: the muscle is subjected to a maximum contraction. It is a chal-
lenging work that should be carried out after several applications.
P.S. In the program guide also the advisable intensity values are indicated. We
propose you an intensity value just as indication; you have to regulate it on the
bases of your sensations.
from 10 mA to 20 mA
from 20 mA to 30 mA
over 30 mA
at a limit of endurance but not painful muscle contraction.