What will happen if you remove the 2-snap wire that
connects the points marked A & B, and instead con-
nected the red jumper wire between points B & C?
(Try it.)
Project 70
Relay Buzzer
Build the circuit and turn on the slide switch (S1).
The relay (S3) makes a buzzing sound.
The sound is caused by the relay’s con-
tacts opening and closing at a fast rate.
Look at the “1-2-3” marking on the relay
symbol in the drawing. What’s happen-
ing is this: when the switch is turned on,
current flows through the relay’s coil,
causing contact 1 to disconnect from
contact 2 and connect to contact 3.
This opens the circuit and stops current
from flowing through the coil, which
causes contact 1 to move back to con-
tact 2. This closes the circuit and cur-
rent flows through the coil again, and
the cycle repeats continuously.
Project 71
Relay Buzzer Meter
This circuit is similar to the preceding one, but adds the meter (M5) to measure the current.
Set the meter to the 1mA setting. Set the switcher (S6) to the right position to turn the relay
(S3) on, set the switcher to the left position to make the relay turn on and off continuously
(producing a buzzing sound), and set the switcher to the middle position to turn the circuit
off. Compare the meter current for each switcher position. The lamp (L4) will not light.
The current is actually more than 1mA (about 50mA
when the relay is on continuously), but the lamp is
used here to adjust the current to be within the 1mA
range on the meter. To see the actual current, remove
the lamp and set the meter to the 1A setting; it should
be slightly above 0.
Why is the meter current lower when the relay is buzzing?
Use Ohm’s Law (Resistance = Voltage / Current) to determine the resistance of the relay’s
coil when the relay is on continuously. The voltage is about 4.5V, and see Snappy’s note
about the meter current. (The resistance should be 50-100 ohms, but your results will vary
due to the limited accuracy of your meter, and the battery voltage may not be exactly 4.5V.)
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