Build the circuit and try the
shown. You may try other
settings to zoom in or look at the frequency spectrum.
Project #PC50
Whistle Chip
Sounds PC (II)
Connect the whistle chip (with the
PC-interface cable still connected
across it) across points B & C. The
circuit oscillates in short intervals.
Project #PC51
Whistle Chip
Sounds PC (III)
Connect the whistle chip (with PC cable) across points C & D using a
1-snap, the sound and waveforms are different.
Project #PC52
Whistle Chip
Sounds PC (IV)
Place the 470
F capacitor C5 on top of
the 100
F capacitor C4, and connect the
whistle chip across points A & B. The
circuit oscillates in 2-second intervals.
Project #PC53
Bird Sounds PC
OBJECTIVE: To view the output of an oscillator circuit.
Build the circuit and try the
shown. The oscillator
activates about once-a-second, sounding like a bird chirping. You
may look at the frequency spectrum if you like.
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