V. 07-21
V. 10-21
The Eureka Cistern Tanks are equipped with a fl oat, valve and
pump, the latter two of which are made of copper.
Accessories shown here are subject to change without notice;
consult your distributor.
Step 1
For the installation of your Eureka Cistern Tank, it is important to
know the type of ground on which it will be installed, in order to
determine the type of soil in which it will be installed, to determine
the excavation process to follow, because there are 3 main types of
soil according to its natural resistance: hard or rocky land, medium
resistance land or soft land. The slope must be considered until
reaching an angle such that the material remains stable without
collapsing in the excavation. For this purpose, perform the free
expansion test.
Eureka Float #7
Rust-resistant fl oat and rod.
1” Strainer
Manufactured in
copper and resistant
to rust.
Valve resistant to rust with
hermetic seal even at high
water pressures.
Installation instructions
25 cm
25 cm
According to potential
of expansion
According to potential
of expansion
25 cm
60 a 75°
25 cm
45 a 60°
25 cm
25 cm
According to potential
of expansion
According to potential
of expansion
25 cm
60 a 75°
25 cm
45 a 60°
Hard or rocky land.
-It is all that where excavation is very diffi
cult due to the consistency
of the ground.
It is made up of rocks, in very compacted layers. In this case the
instability is practically null.
Medium resistance soil.
- It is all the one that presents average resistance to the weight,
does not suff er sinking so easily.
These are considered to be tepetate fl oors, clays of medium
resistance, etc. In this case, the instability of the ground is not
considerable, but a slope of 60° to 75° to avoid landslides.
Soft soil.
- It is all that which presents instability under heavy weight loads
(subsidence) and does not present resistance to excavation. In this
genus are those that are or were used for agricultural purposes,
expansive sands or clays, soils with subway currents, etc.
In this case the instability of the ground is quite high, so it is
recommended to create a slope of 45° to 60° to avoid landslides.
25 cm
25 cm
According to potential
of expansion
According to potential
of expansion
25 cm
60 a 75°
25 cm
45 a 60°