first measure (beat 1.1) set to Volume=100
tenth measure (beat 10.1) set to Volume=110
When the song is in PLAY, on the M-Blaster2 display (in correspondence
to the MIDI channel n°2 volume) we will read the value “100” until the
tenth measure, after that we will read “110”.
s imagine we set via the knob PAGE/VALUE a variation on the
channel 2 volume equal to “-020” (saving the variation with the function
key SAVE).
Playing the song again the display (in correspondence to the MIDI
channel n°2 volume) will read the value “080” until the tenth measure and
“90” after that.
This means that with the
function it is possible to set
variations that will add up (or subtract) the preset parameter values of
the songs. Such variations can be saved on the Compact Flash (in a
chart paired to the song) and will have effect only when the song is being
played not affecting the original parameters that can be recalled any
Once activated TRKCHANG, the display shows a page divided in two
zones by a status bar.
The upper part concerns the managing of the single MIDI channels,
while the lower one allows to choose on which parameter to work.
The choice can be done on the following parameters:
VOL (Volume)
TRN (Transpose)
PRG (Program change)
BNK (Bank select)
REV (Reverberation)
CHR (Chorus)
PAN (Panpot)
TEMPO (metronomic time)
It is very important to understand, what changers depending on the
position of the slider key: using it in the lower part, it is possible to select
the parameter on which to work, being able at the same time to globally
modify it in all the MIDI channels using the adjustment knob. In that case
on the status bar the indications shown will be those of GLOBAL
followed by the name of the parameter in use and from the word