To be able to adjust the volume, the effects, the transposition, the
metronomic time and other parameters on a MIDI file, it is necessary to
select the function TRKCHANG.
As explained above, the function is accessible from the main page
SONGS through the function key TRKCHANG and visualized only after
that the song has started.
Once TRKCHANG is activated, the function keys have assigned the
following functions:
RESTORE: “zeroes” all the variations done to the parameters by
the user and restores the presets originally memorized in each
SAVE: saves the modifications done by the user through the
function SAVE;
RELOAD: recalls the last values saved by the user through the
function SAVE;
MUTE: it mutes a track (same as zeroing the volume of the
corresponding MIDI channel) if on the status bar CHANNEL
VOLUME TRKCHANG is underlined;
SOLO: it puts to “solo” the underlined channel if on the status
CHANNEL VOLUME TRKCHANG is not underlined.
NOTES: All the variations done through the function
do not
modify in any way the parameters memorized into a song.
To understand the way in which
works on a song, it is
possible to imagine a chart paired to the song, in which all the variations
on the default song values done by the user are memorized (+/- values).
For instance let
s imagine a song with the volume on the MIDI channel
n°2 recorded with the following progression: