W00203, W00191
Condensate dryer
The condensate dryer does not have ventilation
(evacuation) into the open.
The air is circulated in a closed system between
the dryer and condensing unit.
The water in the garments condenses in the con-
densing unit.
All the energy (3,4/2,4 kW) used for drying the
garments ends up in the room in the form of heat.
During operation, the room experiences a tem-
perature increase, which results in a need for
The moisture ends up as water in the drains.
The hose must be "sloping" towards the drain
and not form a water trap.
Installation of ventilating system
For ventilation, a thermostatically controlled fan,
type EQ 250, is used. It can be ordered as item
no. 988 80 20 43.
The fan is to be placed on a wall facing the
outside behind the condensate dryer, while the
thermostat is placed further into the room in an
accessible place.
The fresh air intake must end in the room in front
of the dryer, positioned diagonally from the fan.
Pressure drop max.: 10 Pa.
The fresh air requirement per dryer is 750 m
(if the temperature is kept constant).
The need for fresh air varies and is controlled by
the thermostat.