N. Touche fonction Coolmatic
Pour congeler des aliments frais, il est nŽcessaire
d'activer la fonction Frostmatic.
Pour cela appuyer sur la touche (N). Le tŽmoin (M)
doit ensuite s'allumer.
Pour arr•ter la fonction de congŽlation rapide,
appuyer ˆ nouveau sur la touche (N), diffŽremment
la fonction se dŽsactive ensuite automatiquement.
Apr•s dŽsactivation de la fonction Frostmatic le
tŽmoin (M) doit s'Žteindre.
Quand utiliser la fonction Frostmatic:
environ 6 heures
environ 24
heures avant
inutile apr•s
inutile apr•s
introduction de petites quantitŽs d'aliments
frais (5 kg environ)
introduction de la quantitŽ maximum
d'aliments frais (voir plaque matricule)
introduction de produits surgelŽs
introduction de petites quantitŽs d'aliments
frais (jusqu'ˆ 2 kg)
O. TŽmoin d'alarme
P. Touche de dŽsactivation alarme
Une ŽlŽvation anormale de la tempŽrature du
congŽlateur (par exemple en cas de coupure de
courant) est indiquŽe par le clignotement du tŽmoin
(O) et par un signal sonore.
Une fois rŽtablies les conditions normales de
fonctionnement, le signal sonore s'arr•te alors que
le tŽmoin d'alarme continue de clignoter.
En appuyant sur la touche (P), s'affiche sur
l'indicateur (K) pendant quelques secondes la
tempŽrature maximum atteinte ˆ l'intŽrieur du
Mise en service et rŽglage de la
Raccorder l'appareil ˆ une prise de courant. Appuyer
sur la touche (I) pour mettre en marche le
congŽlateur. Le congŽlateur est programmŽ sur une
tempŽrature de -18¡C. Cette tempŽrature est
atteinte au bout de quelques heures.
D•s que le congŽlateur est allumŽ, l'indicateur (K)
affiche la tempŽrature interne. Le tŽmoin d'alarme
(O) se met ˆ clignoter et le signal sonore se
Appuyer sur la touche (P) de dŽsactivation d'alarme.
Le signal sonore s'arr•te alors que le tŽmoin
d'alarme (O) continue de clignoter jusqu'ˆ ce que
soit atteinte la tempŽrature programmŽe.
Hints for storage of frozen food
To obtain the best performance from this appliance,
you should:
¥ make sure that the commercially frozen
foodstuffs were adequately stored by the retailer;
¥ be sure that frozen foodstuffs are transferred
from the foodstore to the freezer in the shortest
possible time;
¥ not open the door frequently or leave it open
longer than absolutely necessary.
¥ Once defrosted, food deteriorates rapidly and
cannot be refrozen.
¥ Do not exceed the storage period indicated by
the food manufacturer.
The numbers indicate storage times in months for
the appropriate types of frozen goods. Whether the
upper or lower value of the indicated storage time is
valid depends on the quality of the foods and pre-
treating before freezing;
¥ do not put carbonated liquids (fizzy drinks,
etc.) in the freezer compartment as they may
Hints for freezing
To help you make the most of the freezing process,
here are some important hints:
¥ the maximum quantity of food which can be
frozen in 24 hrs. is shown on the rating plate;
¥ the freezing process takes 24 hours. No further
food to be frozen should be added during this
¥ only freeze top quality, fresh and thoroughly
cleaned, foodstuffs;
¥ prepare food in small portions to enable it to be
rapidly and completely frozen and to make it
possible subsequently to thaw only the quantity
¥ wrap up the food in aluminium foil or polythene
and make sure that the packages are airtight;
¥ do not allow fresh, unfrozen food to touch food
which is already frozen, thus avoiding a rise in
temperature of the latter;
¥ lean foods store better and longer than fatty
ones; salt reduces the storage life of food;
¥ water ices, if consumed immediately after
removal from the freezer compartment, can
possibly cause the skin to be freeze burnt;
¥ it is advisable to show the freezing-in date on
each individual pack to enable you to keep tab of
the storage time;
¥ the symbols on the drawers show different types of
frozen goods.
Hints for refrigeration
Useful hints:
Meat (all types):
wrap in polythene bags and place
on the glass shelf above the vegetable drawer.
For safety, store in this way only one or two days
at the most.
Cooked foods, cold dishes, etc..:
these should be
covered and may be placed on any shelf.
Fruit and vegetables:
these should be thoroughly
cleaned and placed in the special drawer(s)
Butter and cheese:
these should be placed in
special airtight containers or wrapped in aluminium
foil or polythene bags to exclude as much air as
Milk bottles:
these should have a cap and should
be stored in the bottle rack on the door.
Bananas, potatoes, onions and garlic, if not
packed, must not be kept in the refrigerator.