STEP 1: Installing Inlet Valves
a) Wall Valves in Existing Structure
Determine as closely as possible desired location
of inlet valve. Drill a small pilot hole in the floor
directly below the proposed valve location. A
straight length of coat hanger wire, cut at an
angle, makes a good pilot hole drill bit, but, be
careful not to snag carpeting. Leave straightened
length of coat hanger wire through this pilot hole
to serve as locator and guide point (Fig. 3).
From beneath floor, measure over from pilot hole
locate the center of the sole plate.
: You may want to drill a 3/4" (1.9cm)
inspection hole to avoid drilling into the bottom of
a stud or other “inner-wall” obstruction. Drill a 2-
1/4" (5.7cm) diameter hole through the center of
the sole plate. Using a flashlight or probe, inspect
the interior of the wall to be sure there are no
: The opening you are going to cut in the
wall for the inlet valve should be located between
studs, clear of obstructions such as plumbing,
wiring, heat ducts, etc. Minimum stud width for
sufficient clearance for inner-wall mounting-
bracket assembly is 2-3/4" (7cm). (See Fig. 3
b) Using METAL Stud-Mounting Bracket
Centered at the desired height above floor level,
cut an almost square opening 2-3/4" (7cm) wide
by 2-1/2" (6.35cm) high in the wall directly above
the 2-1/4" (5.7cm) sole plate hole. Cut or file two
3/4" (1.9cm) high triangular pieces above and
below the almost square opening so that your wall
opening exactly resembles (Fig. 4). Insert top
screw only through inlet valve and gently squeeze
inlet valve stem
into bracket
assembly until
you are able to
just start top
screw threads in
bracket assem-
bly hole.
Now cut or break
off “New
C o n s t r u c t i o n ”
section from
metal wall mounting bracket and glue a 90 degree
dual elbow to the
p r e - r i v e t e d
adapter ring
(Fig. 5). Strip the
low-volt wire and
tape it to the 90
degree dual elbow
with approximately
6 inches (15.3cm)
sticking through
wire guide hole.
Join two inlet valve
wires with wire
connectors sup-
plied. Attach a
small weight to the
other end of the
low-volt wire and drop
the weighted wire
through the opening
in wall. Allow wire and
weight to hang
through sole plate
(Fig. 6).
B. How to Install Your New Central Cleaning